[My card suit monsters meet Lawrence's heart pantied Alice]
I collaborated with Lawrence Ruelos on an Alice In Wonderland themed piece. I haven't really done a collab before.. and definitely not in front of a crowd. It was fun tossing around ideas with Lawrence and watching our pencil sketches come to life as we lay down the paint in our different yet cohesive styles. I was a bit nervous going on stage at first because I'm not one for the spotlight, however the excitement of both the opportunity to paint + to collab with Lawrence outweighed any apprehension I had. My first time painting in front of a crowd + my first time painting after my hand fracture = big accomplishments for me! Lawrence had painted in the previous Art Jams so he was a pro. ;) We painted for about an hour and unfortunately it wasn't enough time to finish our piece (we had to wrap it up to let other artists have a spot at the easel), but I'm happy with how our piece turned out anyways. :)

The last time I was at a live painting event was this summer at the San Diego Comic Con where I watched Dave Flores, Joe Ledbetter, Angry Woebots and Yoskay Yamamoto breathe life onto large scaled canvasses at Munky King's Omi mask launch party. I was glued to the spot at that event... it was hypnotizing watching my art idols create their signature styles right infront of me. So to have the opportunity to be an artist in an event was huge for me + I can't thank Lawrence and Augie enough for having the confidence to give me a chance. :) Our piece sold to one of Lawrence's awesome girlfriends who skates for the Jet City Rollergirls (derby girl, wut! wut!). It makes me happy to know the piece is going to one awesome chika! :)

Dev, Augie and Shane White collaborated on this sweet monster piece.

Yet more awesome paintings! It's exciting to me that everyone has the same tools... canvas, brushes and paint + yet there is so much uniqueness + variety in each individual piece. /art dork This event is such a great idea. I hope there are more in the future!

[Moi Painting my monsters, Photo by Lawrence Ruelos]